If you suspect an excess or deficiency of nutrients, get your blood levels tested to be sure of the actual condition.
Supplements are intended to correct certain dietary deficiencies, maintain adequate intake of certain nutrients or support certain physiological functions. They are not medicines and as such cannot have a defined pharmacological, immunological or metabolic effect. However, when used correctly, they can often improve many medical conditions.
Do the testing
It is necessary to know that nutritional supplements are not defined as products that completely replace natural nutrition. This especially applies to fresh fruits and vegetables, given that dietary supplements are not a simple copy of food. In this sense, the individual analysis of the menu of each of us is of great importance in assessing our nutritional status.
People vary in their vitamin and mineral needs. Many factors can affect different human needs for micronutrients, as well as how we absorb and use them.
If you suspect an excess or deficiency of certain micronutrients, get your blood levels tested to be sure of the real situation. After a possibly established deficit, targeted supplementation is recommended in order to eliminate the diagnosed deficiency or to achieve optimal levels of a specific nutrient.
Consult with experts about choosing supplements, when you want to know if they interfere with your health condition, if they affect the absorption of the medicines you use, or what is the utilization of a certain micronutrient from the product.
Hierarchy of importance
The conclusion is that the intake of most nutrients from unprocessed or minimally processed food is the path to strive for. Not only for overall health, but also for the absorption of certain (micro)nutrients and their mutual interaction when they are in unprocessed form.
It's hard to go wrong with whole, unprocessed foods. Also, most of the benefits of micronutrients seem to come from a well-balanced diet, and less from supplements, which should take their rightful place in the hierarchy of importance.
Inefficient operation
Although some supplements are safe and most people benefit from quality supplement options, many supplements are ineffective and can even be harmful if taken when they are not needed.
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