First handbag help: During the summer, you should have these things on hand

 Outdoor activities also carry some risks.

Outdoor activities are common in the summer, but it's very important to keep an eye out for dehydration, sunburns and insect bites. In your purse, you can always wear a pair of trinkets that will serve as protection or first aid.

During the hottest months, especially July and August, wearing essentials can help keep you ready and feel comfortable. Here are the key things you need to have with you.


Sunscreen protects against UV rays that cause burns, skin damage and skin cancer. Choose from chemical sunscreens (can irritate sensitive skin) and physical sunscreens (better for sensitive skin but can leave a white residue).

Lip balm with protective factor

It prevents UV damage to your lips, which are often ignored. 

Have an SPF 30 or more lip balm on hand and often reapply it.

Hydrating face mist

It keeps your face hydrated, reduces redness and can have cooling properties. Look for natural extract nebulae and consult with a cosmetologist before use.

Sun glasses

Prevent burnt eyes with sunglasses. Prepare them in a solid box to avoid damage.

Hand disinfectant

Still important post-pandemic to reduce the spread of respiratory viruses in crowded environments.

Mini perfume

It helps control the body's odor. 

Consider natural possibilities if you are sensitive to artificial odors.

Absorbing papers

They reduce fat on the face and help fight acne. Use them sparingly and avoid after applying sunscreen.

Mini first aid kit

It includes bandages, gauze pads, fats, cloth tape, cold panelling and over-the-counter medication for emergencies.

Water bottle 

Staying hydrated is key. Wear a refillable water bottle, preferably foldable for convenience.

Healthy snacks

Maintain energy levels with healthy snacks like protein bars, fresh fruit, cheese, nuts and sliced vegetables.

Insect agent

It protects against insect-borne diseases. Follow the application instructions carefully.

Hydrating creams

Opt for lightweight moisturizers that don't clog your skin with SPF 30 or more.

Protective mask

It remains useful in crowded places to prevent the spread of the disease.

Portable fan

It helps you cool off after outdoor activities. Check before departure if it's loaded.

General stuff 

Turn on personal items such as pads, tampons, medications, lentils, socks, health booklet and emergency contacts.

Here's how to arrange a purse regularly update the contents of your purse, choose the size of the bag that fits your needs, use clear liquid bags, consider inserts that serve as handbag organizers, ditch the items that have expired and regularly restock.


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